Logistics Trade Fair

What is Logistics?

Solutions to the challenges of intralogistics and material handling

Logistics Trade Fair is a great place to find the right tools for logistics control, warehouse operations and outsourcing. You’ll have a chance to see the brand new forklifts, additional equipment, ICT systems and mobile technologies.

Welcome to the number one logistics event in Finland!

Register as a visitor and gain free entry.

Register as a visitor



finds the most efficient outsourcing solutions and hears about the newest trends and latest innovations in the business.

Warehouse Manager

gets to know to the latest intralogistics machines and automation control systems and has a chance to talk about them with experts.

Warehouse Associate

finds the equipment that make work easier and has the opportunity to try out new products but also see them in use in demonstrations.

Functional logistics + professional personnel = competitive advantage

Functional logistics is a competitive advantage for every company. Especially intralogistics is becoming one of the most important development targets of companies.

The development of automation, new digital possibilites and the competence of personnel have an impact on the logistics efficiency. During the Logistics Trade Fair you’ll have a great chance to hear the latest news and see the latest products that help you to maximize your company’s competitive advantage.

Why should you visit the trade fair?

  • Find solutions to your logistical challenges
  • Maximize the operability of the existing supply chain
  • See the products on the spot before buying
  • Speed up the buying process by comparing the suppliers
  • Meet your current and future cooperation partners


At the same time

There will be three other trade fairs in the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre:

Food and Drink Industry, EuroSafety and Workplace Welfare

These three events bring thousands of professionals together and with one registration you may visit them all.